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By: CPA Guru
Subject: English and literature

Answer the following questions about hamletWhere did hamlet go to school?Does Hamlet truly love Ophelia?Why does Hamlet act like a moody teen if he is supposed to be 30? ...[Show More]

1 year ago

Answer the Question above

Answers (1)

Where did hamlet go to school?

Shakespeare wrote the tragedy, Hamlet. The play is a well-known and well-studied play set in the Danish province of Elsinore. Some of its greatest themes are duplicity, reality, revenge, and mortality.

At midnight, Horatio, Prince Hamlet's student friend, walks to the castle's battlements to greet the soldiers. They tell him about a ghost they claim to be that of the late King Hamlet. They decide to notify the prince when it reappears. After succeeding to the throne, Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, had recently married Gertrude, Hamlet's widowed mother. After envoys are dispatched to Norway, the prince is convinced not to return to school in the court. After hearing about the ghost from Horatio, Hamlet, who is still mourning over his father's death, decides to go and see it. Laertes, the courtier's son, warns his sister Ophelia not to take Hamlet's advances too seriously before he departs for France. Prince of Denmark, Hamlet meets his father's ghost, who informs him that Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, murdered his father. Hamlet vows and sets out to get revenge on his uncle. He eventually succeeds, but his uncle arranges for his assassination, and Hamlet is executed at the end of the play.

Hamlet's age is given as sixteen in the play. There is evidence for this claim in many places. Members of the aristocracy (Elizabethan or medieval Danish) did not enroll in college until they were 30 years old, whereas Hamlet is a student at Wittenberg University. Therefore, Hamlet went to school at Wittenberg University.

Does Hamlet truly love Ophelia?

Ophelia, in the play, is presented as Laertes' sister and Polonius' daughter. Many people debate whether Hamlet is actually in love with Ophelia. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that Hamlet truly loved her. Hamlet has been in love with her for some time before the play begins. He has given her numerous gifts during their courtship until her father prevents her from seeing him.

One example Hamlet's love for Ophelia that reveals true love is the letter he writes to her in Act II scene II. One of the lines that Hamlet writes to her is, "Never doubt I love" (Shakespeare, 1891). He gives her assurance that his love for her is genuine despite everything else that may or may not be real. Before Ophelia dies, Hamlet reveals his true feelings only once. This could be because Ophelia gave the letter to her father upon receiving it. Because Hamlet does not trust Polonius, he realizes he has to conceal his feelings for Ophelia and pretend to be insane to keep her safe.

The discovery of Ophelia's death marks the end of Hamlet's sincere love for her. In the graveyard, Hamlet confronts Laertes about his claims that he never loved Ophelia. Hamlet responds, "I loved Ophelia." Even with their love, 40,000 brothers could not match my total. Hamlet has no reason to justify his love for Ophelia after her death, yet he does. Because he truly loves Ophelia, Hamlet tells Laertes, "Be buried soon with her, and so will I." Hamlet expresses his sorrow for her demise, adding that he shares Laertes' grief. Because Ophelia has left him, Hamlet believes he has nothing to live for.

Why does Hamlet act like a moody teen if he is supposed to be 30?

Hamlet acts like a moody teen due to his many situations. For example, his troubled relationship with his widowed mother, Queen Gertrude. As the play begins, Gertrude has remarried Claudius, her brother-in-law, a decision that severely upsets her son and sets the tragedy in motion. Hamlet faces the challenge that his mother is the root of his hatred. He is in deep mourning following his father's death, and a month later, his mother remarried.

Furthermore, she married her brother-in-law, whom he later learns that his father was murdered by the same man his mother married. Such a situation subjects him to the reaction portrayed in the play and justifies his actions as a moody teen. Any young man would repulse a parent who suddenly and unexpectedly displays overt sexuality.

Hamlet's treatment of his beloved, the young noblewoman Ophelia, is one of the central mysteries of the play, and this emotional dynamic emphasizes it. In addition to feeling betrayed by his mother, Hamlet also assumes that all women are equally cunning. Such a leap may appear extreme to an adult, but it makes perfect sense to an adolescent. Again, this justifies why Hamlet acts like a moody teen if he is supposed to be 30.

 Hamlet is sixteen in the play. This claim is supported by evidence in numerous places. Members of the aristocracy (Elizabethan or medieval Danish) did not attend college until they were 30, whereas Hamlet attended Wittenberg University. Furthermore, Prince Hamlet would have been of legal age to rule at the age of thirty. Given his enormous popularity (which Claudius mentions), it begs the question of why he, rather than his uncle, was not chosen to succeed King Hamlet on the throne.








Shakespeare, W. (1891). Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Harper and Brothers.


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