Homework help > Agree or disagree with the assertion that the ridd... > Published by: CPA Guru 4 years ago
By: CPA Guru
Subject: Religion/Theology

Agree or disagree with the assertion that the riddle of "the good" is equally as puzzling as the riddle of "the evil". ...[Show More]

4 years ago

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Answers (1)

I agree that both riddles are equally puzzling. The first reason is in their mutual exclusiveness. When someone's actions are good they are not evil and vice versa. Secondly, the existence of both are cognitive and pertaining to free will. This means that a person could choose good at one instance yet prefer evil in another instance. The two share an equal chance of occurrence and that is why the puzzle can't be solved (Brentano, 2009). Origin of either can't be explained without reference to the other and thus make them the opposite faces to the same coin. Literally taken every human has the two sides and different stimuli always determine what side exposes.

By Steve 4 years ago . Marked as helpful (849). Marked as unhelpful (717)

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