Homework help > (4)  Summarize the two basic positions taken ... > Published by: gfrein65 2 years ago
By: gfrein65
Subject: Religion/Theology

(4)  Summarize the two basic positions taken by Christian theologians on the question of Jesus' role in the salvation of ALL people.  Be sure to give the reasoning behind each position.  What is your own personal view on this?  If there is one God --- then WHY are there so many religions?  And to quote Rodney King, (in a religious sense) post L.A. riots -- "Why can't we all just get along?"  ...[Show More]

2 years ago

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 Christian Theologians' Position on Jesus' Role in the Salvation of All 

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Christian Theologians' Position on Jesus' Role in the Salvation of All 

Serving God’s people is the ultimate goal of every Christian Theologian globally. Offering the gift of insight and discernment demands that theologians adopt a discipline of the mind. By taking a path of intellectual humility, they have developed several philosophies regarding the works of Jesus Christ. Among these philosophies, they have taken two basic positions on the question of Jesus' role in the salvation of all people (McGrath, 2022). The following are the summaries of these two positions, my personal view, and why there are so many religions.

Universalism is one of the theologians' primary positions. This is the conviction that, despite one's beliefs or deeds, everyone will ultimately be rescued by Jesus. Universalists contend that all individuals deserve God's compassion and mercy and that Jesus' death on the cross was performed for all people, not just a select few (Adams, 2019). They contend that everyone will eventually come to know and accept Jesus' message of love and forgiveness because it is intended for everyone.

Exclusivism is the other primary position of the theologians. Contrarily, exclusivism asserts that people will only be saved if they consciously accept Jesus as their savior. Exclusivists hold that rejecting Jesus Christ will result in eternal damnation and that a close connection with him can only attain salvation. They contend that Jesus made it clear that he alone is the one way, the truth, and the life and that there is no other road to the Father.

In my view, I believe in the universalism position. I believe God created all people, and thus all belong to him. It doesn't matter how one has fallen out with God. God himself can influence and bring them back to his love.

Indeed, there is one God despite the existence of many religions. The differences in people and their cultures are the foundation of these religions. Cultural differences mean different interpretations of a similar phenomenon; the existence of a supreme being (God). For example, the different interpretation of the bible has led to different denomination within Christianity.

Rodney King asserts that misunderstandings, prejudices, and cultural differences are just a few of the numerous things that can lead to tensions and confrontations between adherents of different religions. Furthermore, some religious practices and ideas may be considered incompatible or even dangerous by others, which has increased hostility and conflict. Therefore, he holds that one needs commitment to tolerance, respect, empathy, and understanding others to achieve peace and harmony among people of different religions.











McGrath, A. E. (2022). Historical theology: An introduction to the history of Christian thought. John Wiley & Sons.

Adams, D. S. (2019). Karl Barth’s Influence on Contemporary Christian Universalism. Election, Barth, and the French Connection: How Pierre Maury Gave a" Decisive Impetus" to Karl Barth's Doctrine of Election, 172.








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