Homework help > Respond to the following in a primary post of at l... > Published by: NightQueenIssy 2 years ago
By: NightQueenIssy
Subject: Psychology and education

Respond to the following in a primary post of at least 200-250 words: Why do you dream? [Tie comments into dream theories - threat - simulation theory, expectation-fulfillment theory, activation-synthesis theory, continual-activation theory] Which theory does you feel applies to you? Do you remember your dreams? What are the storylines of your dreams? ...[Show More]

2 years ago

Answer the Question above

Answers (1)

 Series of sights, thoughts, emotions, and experiences that often occur involuntarily to people during specific sleep phases are dreams. The average human spends two hours every night dreaming, and each dream lasts between five and twenty minutes. Continual-activation theory, expectation-fulfilment theory, threat simulation theory and activation-synthesis theory are theories associated with dreams. Activation-synthesis theory is the theory that applies to me.

I dream because my failure to have enough sleep. A long duration of sleep deprivation can make some regions of my brain significantly more active during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep the more restless the nighttime, the more vivid the dreams. Depression and anxiety can also cause me uncomfortable and frightening dreams and nightmares.

I do not recall my dreams mainly because Norepinephrine, a brain chemical associated with memory, is at its lowest levels while I am dreaming, making it difficult to recall what I have just dreamt. It turns out that I cannot remember my dreams if I do not wake up when I have them.

One of the storylines of my dream is that I was caving with a group of pals and bathing in a cave pool when I heard a bloodcurdling scream and a "HELP ME!" from across the tunnel. I approached the sound and discovered a goat with a deranged human face yelling "HELP MEEE!" in an indescribably agonized voice. Then, I awoke.

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